New Moon - Cancer July 2024

New Moon - Cancer July 2024

New Moon - Cancer
July 5, 2024

What will this New Moon bring to the collective?

Eight of Pentacles -
It's time to embrace new opportunities in your job, career, training, or relationship. Even when the going gets tough, the New Moon in Cancer reminds you that your perseverance will lead to success. Keep moving forward - your hard work will pay off, bringing a wave of hope and optimism!


Two of Swords -
Even if the results of your hard work are yet to be apparent, it's important to maintain momentum. The Two of Swords urges you to be honest with yourself about the commitments you've made. Maintaining a balanced approach to your actions will help you stay in control and navigate your path effectively.

What action steps can the collective take to bring forth the best results of this energy?

Wheel of Fortune -
Focus on the things you can actively control. Recognize the rollercoaster of life, but don't let it dictate how you spend your time. Take moments throughout the day to be grateful for little and big things happening around you. You choose how your world rotates - remember that, empowering you to take charge of your life.

Queen of Cups -
Put yourself in a position to honor and follow your intuition. You have the wisdom inside of your heart that the outside world cannot help with. Follow your heart and intuition with the energy of the New Moon and step confidently towards your new beginnings.

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