It's Unconditional

It's Unconditional

Usually when I hear "unconditional" there is always a condition behind it.  Or there's the word "promise" that literally makes me sick when I hear it.  What I like to practice is unconditional love, like, listen, and feel.

If I feel some type of emotion, happy, sad, hangry, embarrassed, overwhelmed, I honor it.  I feel it.  It sucks sometimes!  Big time!  Other times, I never want the feeling to go away.  Pure joyful moments are one of those time.  My coffee in the mornings are one of those I never want to end.  

Over the years, I have learned to love myself 1. relentlessly and 2. unconditionally.

Would you love your child with a condition behind it?  A healthy human would say absolutely not!  So then why the hell do you do it to yourself?

"Ill love myself when..." is the first cure.  Then comes the "I promise that when I do X, Ill feel Y."  We forget about right now.  Love your smile without it being straight, white, full, or thin lips.  Love it the way it is now without putting a condition on it. Love your body the way it is now. Not after you lose 5, 10, 15 pounds. 

These same principles go for the guys too.

It takes practice.  I started with baby steps.  Start with something you already like, and then go from there.  This rose quartz bracelet could help you to start this growth.  Its simple, soft, and unconditional in the way it vibrates for you.

Once you can love yourself relentlessly and unconditionally, then you can love others that way.  Your babies, spouse, parents, friends, animals, anything that you love.



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