O.U.R. Custom Piece

O.U.R. Custom Piece

Knowing how important the O.U.R. Organization was to Jasen I had to make sure we found the exact stones to make sure his vibes stayed in alignment with this.  We found labradorite and golden pieternite.

When I was blessing this bracelet, I pulled cards to see what Ascended Master to call in to assist.  Serapis Bey and Melchizedek.  Serapis Bey card says "Ascension - move into your true self, rise above the darkness -- the light is here."  Having that card pop out was so fitting for Jasen.  Melchizdek "Higher Learning -- you have learned from experience.  More inner study is now required to further progress."  Jasen was wanting to help the organization, so Melchizdel was calling to have him step into more learning.

Being able to use the darkness of the labradorite to make the light even brighter, and the golden pieternite is able to vibe even brighter with trust of the Universe.

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